2 Campuses - 1 mission


Originally founded by members of several lower mainland Lutheran Congregations as a Summer Bible Camp for youth and families, Camp Luther has been a great summer tradition for over 250,000 individuals and families across the Fraser Valley. Throughout the past 74 years of ministry, Camp Luther staff have witnessed countless examples of how summer camp changes lives. It's what inspires our Society members, the Board and our management team to keep serving God through this ministry.

Although membership in the Camp Luther Association was originally limited to Lutheran Church members, all denominational lines have completely faded over the years. As the impact of the camp experience has widened, so also changes were made to the bylaws in order to welcome all Christians who value the power of camp as Society members. Operating as a non-profit Society, Camp Luther is a registered charity with the Canadian Revenue Agency, fully accredited by the B.C. Camping Association and is also a member of the Fellowship of Christian Camps. 

Since they opened their doors in 1950, Camp Luther has been a thriving camp where real relationships are formed through real love that will follow their campers into real life.

The Three Trees - Camp Luther’s Logo

We need to be intentional in all we do, and our logos are no exception.  Now that Camp Luther has two sites, we thought it was important to make sure each site has its own logo.  As well as our main logo, it makes sense to include both Luther and Tulahead under an umbrella name. This organizational umbrella name is

Camp Luther Ministries.

Our new umbrella logo contains three trees. The 3 trees logo has been around Camp Luther for a very long time.  It was recently re-discovered on our Camp Luther Seal that we use for official documents. This seal was used in many ways over the last 74 years. It is important to our history and now also to our future.

The "Story of the 3 Trees" has been a classic campfire story told over the years, and it has a great message.  When we feel things are not going our way, we are reminded, from the story, that God has a plan for us and will work things out for the good of those who love Him.